And I don’t mean that people don’t behave in careless and cruel ways at times - they do and all of us have at some point in time.
We have a choice about whether this and all flaws we can find are what we want to look at… or at the beauty and care that are always there…
We have a choice about whether we see our wellbeing as connected and mutually interlinked… or believing that one person’s wellbeing is more important or could be viewed in isolation.
In truth it is not possible to give up this responsibility - but we can believe that the world we see is the only one that’s possible and that our interpretations are the only way of making meaning. In this way there would be nothing we could take responsibility for. But whenever we give meaning, we make a choice about which world we want to see and strengthen. This responsibility never leaves us and we are always free to take it up consciously. No pain or cruelty we have experienced can absolve us of this burden and blessing.
All of this is held. It would only be a burden, if we were truly alone. We are not alone.
If we want love and care, we need to give it. And the love is there always. All we need to do is to remove the blocks to love.
Then the choice will be our’s and everyone’s blessing and care and compassion infinite.