In the case that you have paid already you have the option of resechduling or requesting a refund.
Should you cancel less than 24 hours in advance the full amount for the session will be due and invoiced to you.
If you cancel more than two weeks in advance no charge will be incurred.
If you cancel more than one week and less than two weeks in advance, 50% (half) of the agreed price will be due.
If you cancel less than one week in advance the full, agreed amount will be due.
If you cancel more than two weeks in advance of the beginning of the workshop (or series) you will receive the full fee back or it will not be due. This includes a potential deposit unless otherwise specified upon booking.
If you cancel less than two weeks and more than one week in advance 25% (a quarter) of the agreed price will be retained, the rest will be refunded. If money was not yet paid, the 25% will be invoiced to you.
If you cancel less than one week and more than two days in advance 50% (half) of the agreed price will be retained, the rest will be refunded. If money was not yet paid, the 50% will be invoiced to you.
If you cancel less than two days in advance the full agreed price will be retained. If money was not yet paid, full price will be invoiced to you.
Exceptions to this policy can be negotiated on a by-case basis. Kirstin Heidler reserves the right to fall back to this cancellation policy in case an agreement cannot be found.